We want to inform you that we have released a new version of the Heimdal™ Release Candidate Agent, namely 2.5.335 RC.
The agent is available for download in the “GUIDE” section, “Download and Install” tab of the Heimdal™ RC Dashboard.
Here are the improvements rolling in with the new 2.5.335 RC:
- The “Duplicate GP” functionality now works, when PAM is enabled in the Licensing options;
- The Usernames, from the “Active Clients” section of the Dashboard, are now displayed correctly;
- The same Hostname is now displayed on only one entry, even if the machine is equipped with multiple HDDs;
- VCRedist x86 2013 is not overwriting VCRedist x64 2013 anymore on Windows Server 2012 R2 with Skype For Business Server 2015 installed:
This fix corrected the following faulty behaviour:
• When Heimdal Agent is installed it was overwriting VCRedist X64, which, was already installed on the machine;
• Skype for Business became unstable;
• VCRedist X64 wasn’t available anymore, in Control Panel under “Installed Programs”.
- The top counter in Application Control view counters now includes the processes executed and the status for that is “Allowed with Auto Elevation”;
- The update from the Heimdal™ Agent version 2.5.321 RC to version 2.5.334 RC wrongfully displayed both Heimdal™ Agent versions and now the issue has been fixed;
- The pop-ups displayed in the Agent, post PAM elevation requests being approved/ denied disappear automatically after 10 seconds (except for approved elevations, case in which the user needs to dismiss the pop – up manually).