Dear Heimdal Customer and Partner,
Another week, another special release. The freshly available Heimdal dashboards (4.2.2 RC and 4.2.3 Prod) allow you to leverage yet another brand new integration (after the recently release Heimdal HaloPSA integration), this time with other PSA, namely Autotask.
This will allow joint Heimdal and Autotask users to benefit from a seamless integration meant to provide automation and increased productivity when it comes to support tickets’ creation and management.
Below, you can find the description of the new integration:
• Heimdal – Autotask PSA integration
Similarly to our existing Heimdal – ConnectWise and Heimdal - HaloPSA integrations, the new functionality can be enabled and set-up in the Guide -> Customer settings -> Integrations ->Autotask tab of the Heimdal dashboard.
But before setting up the integration on the Heimdal dashboard side, ensure that your Autotask instance is prepared.
Creating an API Account
1. Log in to the Autotask console.
2. Navigate to Admin > Extensions & Integrations > Other Extensions & Tools > Integration Center
3. Search for your integration Vendor Name: “Heimdal Security”
4. Click "Add API User" from list menu of your integration vendor
5. Fill fields for your API user
a. Select API User (system) for Security Level
b. Fill Username (Key) or click "Generate key" :
c. Click "Generate Secret" to generate Password (Secret)
6. Click Save & Close
Setting up the integration in the Heimdal dashboard
The integration process is divided into 3 main sections:
• Integration Settings (Connection Settings) section
• Matching Settings section
• Customer Settings section
Corporate Customer settings
Reseller settings
Connection (Integration) Settings section
1. Enable the integration by ticking the “Autotask integration” check box;
2. Fill out the Integration Settings:
a. Enter the API Username and Secret;
3. Test Connection settings:
a. Click the Test Connection button;
b. Ensure receipt of the message confirming a successful connection. In case the connection is unsuccessful, double-check the settings.
4. Save Connection Settings:
a. After testing, click the Save button;
b. Wait for the confirmation message that the connection was saved successfully;
Note: if you change an existing setting, a confirmation popup will appear when saving, confirming whether you want to keep the Ticket and Customer Settings or not. This allows you to retain settings without reconfiguring everything, if the changes only relate to the client secret.
Matching Settings section
This section allows you to define the configuration of the Heimdal Operations and Heimdal Cyber boards and this can be achieved by pressing the corresponding button(s): Configure Heimdal Operations and/ or Configure Heimdal Cyber Alerts.
1. Click either Configure Heimdal Operations or Configure Heimdal Cyber Alerts;
2. A configuration popup will be displayed, retrieving a list of ticket fields from the Autotask API;
3. The list of mandatory to be filled in ticket related fields is the following: Queue, Priority, Status on ticket creation, Status on ticket update (available and mandatory only for Heimdal Operations tickets) and Due date (1 – 9999 hours); the remainder fields are not mandatory to be filled in;
4. Ensure that all mandatory fields are configured and confirm the settings
Customer Settings Section
Corporate Customer settings
This section includes:
• A drop down allowing you to select the Autotask PSA customer associated with the Heimdal Corp. Customer (also mentioned in the Matching Settings section);
• The checkboxes that permit the granular definition of tickets to be created automatically in Autotask PSA for:
o Heimdal Operations: corresponding to notifications coming from the Notifications modal window (Active Clients -> Standard View of the Heimdal dashboard), which are related to: CPU, Memory, Disk, Microsoft updates, Next-Gen AV, DNS poisoning and Firewall notifications;
o Heimdal Cyber Alerts: corresponding to the email alerts coming from the Accounts section of the Heimdal dashboard (REP for Endpoint, PEDM, Next-Gen AV, VectorN Detection Endpoint and Network and Zero-trust Execution Protection);
Reseller settings
On top of the options provisioned in the case of Corporate Customers, resellers will have the options to automatically Sync Customers (button), matching the Heimdal Corp. customers names to the Autotask PSA ones, search, sort and add Heimdal corp. customer (defined under their entity) manually (if needed), assign manually the Autotask PSA customer/ client (in case the info does not get automatically matched).
Below, you can visualize some examples of tickets generated in the PSA tool (reseller and corp. customer levels) through our Heimdal – Auto Task integration.
In order to ensure the correct functioning of the new features, please clear the browser’s cookies and other site data, as well as the cached images and files, prior to accessing the Heimdal dashboard.