In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the integrations between the HEIMDAL services and other RMM tools, like ConnectWise. HEIMDAL customers and partners using the ConnectWise RMM platform will be able to use a nifty integration that allows users to automate the management of tickets in the ConnectWise platform.
1. How it works?
2. ConnectWise RMM integration setup
3. Heimdal Operations
4. Heimdal Cyber Alerts
HEIMDAL customers and partners using the ConnectWise RMM platform can use a nifty integration that allows users to automate the management of tickets in the ConnectWise platform. The HEIMDAL-ConnectWise integration allows customers to get multiple HEIMDAL alerts/notifications as tickets into 2 boards that are created in ConnectWise: Heimdal Operations service board (CPU or Memory notifications, Disk notifications, Microsoft Updates notifications, Next-Gen Antivirus notifications, DNS poisoning notifications, or Firewall notifications ) and Heimdal Cyber Alerts service board (Ransomware Encryption Protection alerts, Privileged Access Management alerts, Next-Gen Antivirus alerts, VectorN Detection alerts, Zero-Trust alerts).
The integration requires an API Key generated for a specific member and a custom security role. To generate an API key, follow the steps below:
1. In ConnectWise, go to Systems -> Members and Click API Members, then click the + (plus) icon.
2. Enter the user details and Save the new member.
3. In the Members' list, click the new member and click API Keys, then click the + (plus) icon.
4. In the Description field, enter a description for the new key (example: ConnectWise_Heimdal_integration). Press Save (don't use the Save and Close option).
Two API keys are generated and displayed: a public Key and a Private key. The Private key is displayed only when the key is created. Make a note of both keys or copy them in a safe place because they cannot be recovered once the tab is closed.
Set up API Member permissions
Permissions are based on security roles. To set the permissions, follow the steps below:
1. Go to System -> Security Roles and select a role for the integration.
2. Set Member as the Security Permission and click Companies.
3. On the Company Maintenance permissions, set All value on Inquire Level.
4. On Service Desk, set the All value on Add Level, Edit Level, Inquire Level for Close Service Tickets, Resource Scheduling, and the All value on Add Level, Edit Level, Delete Level, Inquire Level for Service Tickets:
5. On System, set the All value on Inquire Level for Member Maintenance, My Account, My Company, and the All value on Add Level, Edit Level, Inquire Level for Table Setup:
Set up ConnectWise in the HEIMDAL Dashboard
The ConnectWise integration can be enabled by checking the ConnectWise RMM checkbox from Guide -> Customer settings -> Integrations -> ConnectWise RMM section of the HEIMDAL Dashboard. Once you enable it, you can proceed with the Integration settings by specifying the Company Identifier (a string that represents your unique company identifier, the same as My Company ID), the Base API URL (base URL regional address, example:, the Public Key (generated member Public key, available in ConnectWise -> System -> Members -> API Keys), the Private Key (generated member Private key when a new member is created in ConnectWise):
After setting up the details above, the Configure Operations Service Board and Configure Cyber Alerts Service Board buttons are activated and you can configure the location, department, and team lead:
Once you confirm these settings, the 2 boards are created in ConnectWise RMM:
The ConnectWise Heimdal Operations service board displays all the tickets related to the notifications coming from the Notifications modal window displayed in the HEIMDAL Dashboard (Active Clients -> Standard view, which are related to CPU, Memory, Disk, Microsoft Updates, Next-Gen Antivirus, DNS poisoning and Firewall warnings). Each time the HEIMDAL Agent generates a notification in the ClientInfo, a new ticket is created in the Heimdal Operations service board (within ConnectWise). To visualize the tickets in ConnectWise RMM, go to Service Desk -> Service Boards and filter the data by Heimdal Operations:
All newly created tickets will have the New status and one of the types: CPU, Memory, Disk, DNS Poisoning, Firewall, Microsoft Updates, or Next-Gen Antivirus. If a notification is no longer present in the HEIMDAL Dashboard, the ticket status will automatically change to Closed.
Operational tickets can be closed through the ConnectWise integration once the alerts/warnings are solved. For tickets to be automatically created/closed in ConnectWise RMM, the alerts below need to be enabled in the HEIMDAL Dashboard:
The ConnectWise Heimdal Cyber Alerts service board displays all the tickets related to all the email alerts coming from the Accounts section of the HEIMDAL Dashboard, except for the ones related to GP changes and Microsoft Updates. To visualize the tickets in ConnectWise RMM, go to Service Desk -> Service Boards and filter the data by Heimdal Cyber Alerts:
All newly created tickets will have a New status and one of the types: Privileged Access Management, Ransomware Encryption, Next-Gen Antivirus, VectorN Detection, or Zero-Trust.
For tickets to be automatically created in ConnectWise RMM, the alerts below need to be enabled in the HEIMDAL Dashboard: