This issue happens because one of the 3 coordinates that are being considered when identifying an endpoint/device (in the HEIMDAL Dashboard is changed. To identify and list an endpoint/device in the HEIMDAL Dashboard, we use a blend of Motherboard Serial 1, Motherboard Serial 2, Disk Serial, and Hostname to allow tracking of unique endpoints/devices.
If any of the first three variables change, the HEIMDAL Dashboard will list the endpoint/device as a new entry, thus creating a duplicate entry (the older entry remaining with a Last Seen timestamp in the past). In the example below, we have 2 virtual machines running on different virtualization hosts, but having the same hostname:
The 2 virtual machines have different motherboard serials (similar to the ones found on the host machine):
The reason for choosing this method is that most frequently in business, when any of the 3 variables are changed, it means a new employee is assigned to a device and hence we can track both entries and create data visibility on each user. The reason we don't rely on the username is that multiple users might have access to single devices, as we also cover virtual devices (such as servers).
The solution is to revoke the older duplicates since they are no longer valid/active entries from the Active Clients view.