If you're trying to elevate an application/process with Application Control using the Certificate-type rule and it doesn't run, you may need to take into account two things:
1. Some applications, like Autodesk for example, have a process that starts during OS startup. These types of processes exist in order to prevent multiple instances of the same app being run or because that process offers a certain level of security to the main process. For Autodesk, it's the AdskAccessCore.exe process which is already running without Administrator permissions and that is responsible for handling subsequent processes. Since the AdskAccessCore.exe process is responsible for starting other Autodesk processes, trying to elevate Autodesk with Application Control will be prevented and Autodesk will run as a Standard user.
The process will be elevated by the Application Control but because the AdskAccessCore.exe already running non-elevated, the process in the background will reach a certain level that will stop the application from running fully as it should. Stopping the AdskAccessCore.exe process before running the application should fix the issue.
2. You also need to take into consideration the fact that the Certificate rule is a generic rule. It will target any file or process that has the same Certificate values added to the rule. That means that Autodesk will end up running in a loop as the processes/files related to Autodesk that contain those Certificate values will be started continuously.
To avoid this, we recommend using the Path rule (which is the fastest) or the MD5 rule which is the most secure.