In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the HEIMDAL infrastructure and environment.
1. HEIMDAL infrastructure
2. HEIMDAL architecture
HEIMDAL infrastructure
The HEIMDAL infrastructure is hosted on Microsoft's Azure cloud platform (West Europe - Amsterdam, North Europe - Ireland, South India, East US - Virginia) and Amazon's Web Services cloud platform (Stockholm, Frankfurt, Singapore, Sydney, East US - Virginia, California, Sao Paolo). We process data both inside and outside of the EU and rely on legally provided mechanisms to lawfully transfer data across borders. Countries where we process data may have laws that are different, and potentially not as protective, as the laws of your own country. The data at rest (our database) is double-encrypted and traffic is done via TLS 1.3 with PKCS #1 SHA-256 with RSA Encryption.
HEIMDAL architecture
The HEIMDAL products and services are available through 2 official platforms:
1. The PRODUCTION HEIMDAL Dashboard - - is the stable version of the HEIMDAL products and services and from this portal, you can download the latest PRODUCTION HEIMDAL Agent (from the Guide section).
2. The Release Candidate HEIMDAL Dashboard - - is the beta version of the HEIMDAL products and services where new features and bug fixes are implemented. From this portal, you can download the latest RC HEIMDAL Agent (from the Guide section).