We want to inform you about the release of a brand-new Linux Ubuntu agent build, version 1.6, that will be available for download in the Guide -> Download and Install tab of the Heimdal dashboard (both Production and Release Candidate instances).
The new version of the Heimdal Ubuntu agent contains a major enhancement to our already available Patch & Asset management product module, namely the introduction of the Assets view, bringing the Linux Ubuntu module up to par with the Windows and macOS ones.
Heimdal Patch & Asset Management
● 3rd Party Patch Management Assets view for Linux Ubuntu
Our latest Linux Ubuntu agent build (1.6 version) comes along with a new 3rd party patch management view, namely “Assets” view. This view displays all Linux Ubuntu 3rd party patches (not only the ones monitored using Heimdal’s Patch & Assets Management module) that are installed on our customers’ machines, along with the count of hostnames where these patches are installed.
In order to benefit from this functionality, Heimdal dashboard users need to enable the “Assets view” check box found in Endpoint Settings -> Linux GP -> click on an GP -> Patch & Assets -> 3rd Party Patch Management tab, General Settings area.
Post doing so, they will have access to the Products -> Patch & Asset Management -> 3rd Party Patch Management -> Linux OS -> Assets view, allowing them to see all Linux Ubuntu apps installed on the machines where the Heimdal Linux Ubuntu agent is present.
Similarly to the Windows OS and macOS “Assets” views, the brand-new Ubuntu “Assets” view is offering, to the Heimdal dashboard users, the options to search, download data in .csv format and change the way the applications are displayed (stacked or non-stacked).
In the stacked view (selectable from the dedicated drop-down list), applications are grouped by name and version. The “Installed Endpoints” column shows the number of endpoints where a specific application and version are installed. Clicking on the endpoint count opens the Details page.
On the Details page, users can view the devices where the application is installed, search by Hostname or Username, and click on a hostname to navigate to the Device Info -> Client Specifics view. The Device Info page also includes the Assets View, displaying all installed applications on that particular device.
The non-stacked visualization displays all the applications installed on all devices from the customer’s estate.
The actions that can be applied from the 3rd party patch management “Assets” view (regardless if the users choose the stacked or non-stacked visualization) are “Add to Group Policy” and “Uninstall” for the supported apps (3rd Party Applications that are installed and updated through the HEIMDAL Agent) and “Uninstall” for all apps that populate the “Assets” view.