In this article, you will find the steps that you need to perform in order to uninstall the HEIMDAL Agent (Windows). There are several ways how to uninstall the HEIMDAL Agent. Here are the
1. Uninstalling the HEIMDAL Agent from Control Panel (Programs and Features)
2. Uninstalling the HEIMDAL Agent using the MSIEXEC Uninstall string
3. Uninstalling the HEIMDAL Agent using the WMIC
Uninstalling the HEIMDAL Agent from Control Panel (Programs and Features)
To uninstall the HEIMDAL Agent, you are required to have Administrator permissions. To do that, follow the steps below:
1. Click the Start button and type Control Panel.
2. Click on Programs and then Uninstall a Program.
3. From the Programs and Features list, select the Heimdal Thor Agent and click Uninstall.
Uninstalling the HEIMDAL Agent using the MSIEXEC Uninstall string
You can uninstall the HEIMDAL Agent using the Uninstall String (in Command-Prompt, running as Administrator) and tie it with the silent parameter /qn just like below (where the GUID is specific to each HEIMDAL Agent version):
MsiExec.exe /X{4A1DFCC7-5099-460F-A56D-3302B78396F9} /qn
In case the HEIMDAL Agent is limited by an uninstall password set in the Group Policy, you can pass in the uninstallpassword="password_here" argument:
MsiExec.exe /X{4A1DFCC7-5099-460F-A56D-3302B78396F9} /qn uninstallpassword="password_goes_here"
Uninstalling the HEIMDAL Agent using the WMIC
Download the Heimdal_Agent_AllVersions_uninstall_script.bat file and run it with Administrator permissions. This script performs a check in the WMI and looks for any application named Heimdal Thor Agent and it removes it. The command line performed by the script is:
wmic product where name="Heimdal Thor Agent" call uninstall /nointeractive
This command line should initiate a silent uninstall of the HEIMDAL Agent as seen in the snippet below: